International Orienteering Federation

About IOF Eventor

IOF Eventor is Intenational Orienteering Federation's Event Management Service managing events, entries and results. The service is being continuously developed.

Terms and conditions

The International Orienteering Federation governs four orienteering disciplines – foot orienteering, ski orienteering, mountain bike orienteering and trail orienteering. An organisation, which is a member of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF), is entitled to use IOF Eventor for events in any of the four disciplines.

IOF Eventor may not, without the approval of IOF, be used for other events.

IOF provides support for IOF Major Events and World Ranking Events.

Advertise in IOF Eventor

There are possiblities to advertise in IOF Eventor. For more information about formats and prices, please contact the IOF and check this page: Link

Technical requirements

IOF Eventor is built using accepted standards from W3C, and works together with all modern web browsers, including Firefox 1+, Safari 1+, Chrome 1+, Internet Explorer 6+ and Opera 7+. The latest version of each web browser is recommended for the complete user-experience!


Certain functions in IOF Eventor require JavaScript to be activated in your web broswer. Many functions do not require JavaScript, but the user-experience will be better with JavaScript. It is therefore strongly recommended that you have JavaScript activated. Please consult your web browser's documentation in order to find out how to activate JavaScript.


IOF Eventor uses small text files, so-called cookies, in order to facilitate your use of the webpage. The cookies used are session cookies, which save information about the pages that you have access to while you are logged in. If you choose to allow IOF Eventor to remember your login, permanent cookies are used. IOF Eventor also works with cookies inactivated. You can avoid using cookies by changing your web browser's settings. For more information on how to do this, please see your web browser's documentation.

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and is a regulation that applies within EU member states as of May 25, 2018.

The purpose is to protect your privacy and give you as an individual better protection online. This means that personal data must be processed legally, correctly and transparently in relation to the person being registered. For the sports movement, this means that each type of processing must be based on a valid legal basis, for example that there is an agreement or that the task is in the public interest.

How does it affect Eventor?

For Eventor, GDPR means the following:

  • Purpose limitation, data minimization and transparency of information

    • That the information that is stored and otherwise processed for special, explicitly stated and justified purposes, and later is not suddenly processed in any other way. The data must also be reasonable, relevant and not unnecessarily detailed in relation to what it is for.

      In the section "Increased transparency about stored personal data" below, it appears which personal data is stored, why it is stored, and who or who has access to it. The information can also be accessed via a link from My Pages.

    • That the information that Eventor shares on to external competition-related services and systems is only processed by these systems for specific, explicitly stated and justified purposes, and is not later suddenly processed in a different way. Here, IOF signs a so-called PUB agreement (personal data processing agreement) with suppliers of the external services and systems that gain access to Eventor's information

  • Lagringsbegränsning

    • That you can request that your personal data be de-identified in Eventor. In the section "The right to be removed from Eventor" below, there is information on how to proceed.

    For clubs and federations

    We do not see that you as an association need to take any measures in Eventor or other competition-related systems with regard to GDPR. However, you as an association may still be affected by what information is now available and how this may be handled by you as an association.

    Read more about Data protection at the IOF here

    Increased transparency about stored personal data

    Roles in Eventor and access to personal data

    The table below shows who or who have access to your personal data. In addition to yourself, three administrator roles can also access many of your personal data. These three roles are administrator, organizer manager and registration manager. The administrator can do everything that the other two roles can do. For simplicity, all three of these roles are referred to as “Administrator” below.

    Stored personal data


    Why is it stored?

    Who has access?

    First name

    To be used in Eventor and other event related systems.

    Visitors of the registration, start and results list.

    Last name

    To be used in Eventor and other event related systems.

    Visitors of the registration, start and results list.

    Birth date

    To be able to make an age-related division into competition-related services. Dates and not just years are needed to easily identify people with the same name in the same organisation.

    You and administrators.


    To be able to distinguish between men and women in competition-related services.

    You and administrators.


    You represent your federation when competing in international competitions.

    Visitors of the registration, start and results list.


    For invoicing purposes when that is applicable.

    You and administrators.

    Phone number

    To be able to get in touch with you before an activity or during the activity (in the event of an accident, for example).

    You and administrators.


    To be able to get in touch with you.

    You and administrators. Organizer can reach you via an email-based communication service in Eventor.

    Member organisations

    To be used in Eventor and other event related systems.

    You and administrators, but also visitors of pages for activities where you represent your organisation.

    Person-id (IOF-id)

    For the exchange of data between systems and services, for example the Ranking list would not work without a personal ID. Person ID also means that you get faster help with support matters.

    You and administrators.

    Account information and last logged in

    To be able to give you better support.

    IOF administrators only.

    Member of federation

    To be used in Eventor and other event related systems.

    Visitors to pages for activities where you represent your federation.

    Eventor roles in various organisations

    In order for you to gain access to perform various actions in Eventor and other competition-related systems.

    You and administrators.

    Timing chip

    So that you get the correct license plate number when registering.

    You, organisers and administrators.

    Social media

    To give information in personal profile.

    Visitors to your personal profile.

    Status of receipt of IOF information and offers from IOF's partners

    So that you can choose which information you wish to share.

    You and administrators.

    Competition and class you are registered for

    So that you can see which competitions and activities you are registered for.

    Visitors of the registration, start and results list.

    Ordered services

    So that you can see which services you ordered.

    You, organisers and administrators.


    To be able to see your result in a competition.

    Visitors of the results list.

    Split times

    To be able to see your split times between controls in an competition.

    Visitors of the split times view.


    Personal data processed within the sports movement must be correct and updated, if necessary. This means that the person who processes personal data must take reasonable measures to ensure that incorrect personal data is deleted or corrected without delay, for example when you as a registered user request correction of incorrect personal data.

    Incorrect personal data

    All personal data except nationality are possible to edit by the user.
    Change of nationality are restricted due to IOF Rules and bust be done by IOF Office.

    Incorrect information in the registration, start or result list

    Since all the handling of competition-related data is done by the organizer in question, it is to him that you turn if something needs to be corrected. The organizer then re-uploads the information to Eventor.

    Integrity and confidentiality

    Consent to publication of your name

    By creating an account in Eventor you accept the conditions to store personal data in Eventor ant that it will be published.

    Consent that administrators and club registrants can see and handle your personal data

    So that your federation and club can:

    • Give you support in connection with registration and handling of your data
    • Get in touch with you, both before activities, but also during ongoing activities
    • Manage your registration for competitions, for example championships and relays

    ... then as a member of your club you agree that administrators in the federation your club belongs to and your own club administrator (there may be several) can see and handle your personal data.

    Eventor saves log information about all changes made to the system in order to prevent abuse.

    Consent to receive IOF information and offers from IOF's sponsors and partners

    Under My Pages >> Personal Settings >> Information, you indicate your possible consent to receive information from IOF and offers from IOF's sponsors and partners. No sponsorship offers or promotional mailings will be sent without your consent.

    Despite consent to receiving offers from IOF's sponsors and partners, IOF never shares your personal data with sponsors, partners, or other third parties. All contact and all mailings are handled by IOF.

    IOF also never shares your personal data with sponsors, partners, or other third parties without your consent.

    Access by external system

    Only necessary information about you is included in the personal register used by timing software to be able to arrange and administer an orienteering competition.

    All the information that Eventor shares with external competition-related services and systems is only processed by these systems for specific, explicitly stated and justified purposes, and is not subsequently processed in a different way. Here, IOF signs a so-called PUB agreement (personal data assistant agreement) with suppliers of the external services and systems that access Eventor's information via a so-called API.

    A number of your personal data is also accessible to your club and federation via an API:

    First name, last name, date of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and timing chip number.

    The right to be removed from Eventor

    You always have the option of having your personal data removed from Eventor.

International Orienteering Federation

Drottninggatan 47 31/2 tr
SE-65225 Karlstad

This version's build time

21/02/2025 08:11 local time (UTC+1)


Sudety Cup 2025 - Poland
SEPA 2025
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