International Orienteering Federation

Hristo Pelov

World Ranking

Nationality Bulgaria
Year of birth 1974
IOF ID 44444
Sex Male
  • VALDI Sofia
Discipline FootO, MTBO, SkiO

MTBO results

Date Championship/Cup/WRE Organising federation Format Race Type/Class Plac Time Diff Km time
28/04/2024 BALATON MTBO Long HUN Long Men WRE 20 2:39:01 +50:42 5:06 Results
27/04/2024 BALATON MTBO Middle HUN Middle Men WRE 22 1:11:46 +19:56 5:21 Results
23/08/2023 World Championships CZE Middle Final 79 1:24:56 +33:18 4:51 Results
20/08/2023 World Championships CZE Sprint Final 63 40:31 +17:36 5:17 Results
02/04/2023 Cappadocia MTBO Cup TUR Sprint Men 13 28:44 +10:12 4:29 Results
01/04/2023 Cappadocia MTBO Cup TUR Middle Men did not finish Results
18/09/2022 World Masters MTB Orienteering Championships 2022, middle BUL Middle M45 11 1:05:56 +16:22 3:47 Results
17/09/2022 World Masters MTB Orienteering Championships 2022, long BUL Long M45 8 2:04:51 +27:39 3:47 Results
16/09/2022 World Masters MTB Orienteering Championships 2022, sprint BUL Sprint M45 13 25:05 +7:49 2:58 Results
15/09/2022 World Masters MTB Orienteering Championships 2022, mass start BUL Masstart M45 13 1:53:58 +32:40 4:16 Results
23/07/2022 BUL MTBO Champs Long BUL Long Men 26 2:43:38 +1:15:18 6:18 Results
22/07/2022 BUL MTBO Champs Sprint BUL Sprint Men mispunched Results


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