International Orienteering Federation

Villads Skovbjerg

World Ranking

Nationality Denmark
Year of birth 2004
IOF ID 37750
Sex Male
  • OK Pan Aarhus
Discipline FootO

FootO results

Date Championship/Cup/WRE Organising federation Format Race Type/Class Plac Time Diff Km time
22/08/2021 Sprint LTU Sprint Men 18 48 14:29 4:08 Results
20/08/2021 Long LTU Long Men 18 42 1:00:40 8:11 Results
12/06/2021 FIF Sommerweekend, middle DEN Middle H21 16 29:43 +7:14 6:34 Results
12/06/2021 FIF Sommerweekend, middle DEN H20 Results
11/06/2021 FIF Sommerweekend, sprint DEN Sprint H21 12 15:34 +1:22 3:52 Results
11/06/2021 FIF Sommerweekend, sprint DEN H20 Results
30/06/2019 Sprint BLR Sprint Men 16 49 10:21 +1:24 3:08 Results
28/06/2019 Long BLR Long Men 16 87 1:35:26 +48:45 12:23 Results


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